Austin Cahoon – New York Feature Featuring Stories From New York City and World Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:01:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Austin Cahoon – New York Feature 32 32 Austin Cahoon Tells His Story of How He Created Wealth from His Passion Mon, 03 Oct 2022 14:17:00 +0000 Successfully transitioning a passion into a business venture requires careful planning and preparation. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not know what their passions are, let alone how to make money from them. Luckily for Austin Cahoon, he isn’t one of them. He discovered his love for sports, which brought him wealth early, thanks to his sports-loving family. 

Austin Cahoon, the founder of ACEmpires, a consulting business for sports data, crypto, and stock courses, was born to a family of sports enthusiasts and football lovers. His father managed Eddie DeBartolo and the 49ers, significantly influencing his love for sports. Cahoon’s family’s love for sports strengthened their family bond. He found inspiration in sports’ capacity to unite people of all ages and walks of life.

As an adult, Cahoon found an outlet for his passion when he learned about sports betting. However, he noticed a problem; uninformed gambling wasn’t going well for him and many others. Austin turned things around by learning the numbers and stats that make sports betting a winning game and implementing those learnings into profitable systems. Afterward, he decided it was time to uproot his life and move to Las Vegas, where he devoted himself to discovering the best sports betting angles. Austin Cahoon says that his success in the betting world has inspired him to invest in real estate, which in turn has led to investments in cryptocurrency and stocks.

Although Cahoon has experienced his fair share of setbacks and failure on his path to success, he insists that sometimes you have to risk it all for your dreams to become a reality. This, he says, is the same principle behind betting. You can increase your chances of success by working on your mistakes, but failure is inevitable. His positive outlook was crucial in overcoming the numerous challenges he faced on the road to success. “Mindset is everything! If you know in your mind that you will make it, you will always find a way, no matter what obstacles you face. If your mindset isn’t right 9.9 times out of 10, you won’t finish the business venture you started,” Austin Cahoon emphasized.

Cahoon stands out from his rivals, thanks to his special connection with each of his customers and the unforgettable experiences he provides. Many online consultants in the sports betting market are only interested in one thing; taking money from unsuspecting clients. They’ll lie about anything to get it, and they don’t seem to care about guiding customers to their promised success. Cahoon is a trustworthy and open person who always goes above and beyond for his customers. In his mind, the success or failure of his clients is directly proportional to his own. So, he does whatever he can to ensure their success. Cahoon stated confidently, “there are always a few who don’t like you, but nine out of ten people would tell you that I treated them right, and that’s how I want to be known.”

As opposed to the popular opinion about fear, Cahoon says, when it comes to business, being afraid is a good sign. This means that you are challenging your mind to explore new territory. Experiencing fear can give you an even greater incentive to succeed. He says you need to have a positive attitude if you want to start a business. Refuse to give in to self-doubt, and refuse to give in to anything that could cause you to lose focus. He believes one must take chances to achieve success. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to be willing to take risks and grow from your mistakes. If you want to learn more about Cahoon and his business, you can find him on Instagram at @acempires.

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